Magnite Acquires SpotX For $1.17 Billion
FEBRUARY 5, 2021
Magnite says the combined companies would have a full year, 2020 non-GAAP net revenue of $350 million. Magnite is acquiring SpotX from RTL Group.
FEBRUARY 5, 2021
Magnite says the combined companies would have a full year, 2020 non-GAAP net revenue of $350 million. Magnite is acquiring SpotX from RTL Group.
Both Sides of the Table
JANUARY 17, 2011
I have a high fear of failure that acts as my safety net. I did this when I talked about my metaphor that Hulu was like Opec. Stupidly I never tested my model with Hulu themselves until after the blog post was published. I spoke at the NextGen conference last week to a large audience.
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Both Sides of the Table
OCTOBER 29, 2009
Banner or AdSense style ads placed either at the top of the page or down the right hand side (often called a skyscraper) would only net Twitter money for users that log into Advertising is also what allows you to watch Hulu for free, use Yahoo! Google’s AdSense) or some other form of ad.
Tech Zulu Event
SEPTEMBER 12, 2013
AGN was sold to Net-TV pioneer Pseudo Programs and Rubin served as VP of Games and Sports programming. He joined SGN from Fox where he was Vice President of Business Development and worked on the acquisition of MySpace and the launch of Hulu. Before G4, Scot founded All Games Network (AGN).
Tech Zulu Event
OCTOBER 24, 2013
AGN was sold to Net-TV pioneer Pseudo Programs and Rubin served as VP of Games and Sports programming. He joined SGN from Fox where he was Vice President of Business Development and worked on the acquisition of MySpace and the launch of Hulu. Before G4, Scot founded All Games Network (AGN).
SoCal Delicious
MARCH 1, 2010
Surprisingly, Hollywood hasnt played a major role in the formation of new companies, which have tended to be in less glamorous though more lucrative areas like lead-generation and service (with obvious exceptions like JibJab and Hulu, a joint venture of Fox and NBC). startup scene so hot. What makes L.A. a great place for startups?
Both Sides of the Table
MARCH 13, 2010
The net result of my posts plus the comments forms a tighter view of my evolving belief system. But I think it’s fair to point out when I believe that the profit motive is a net negative for startups or for our industry. Think Hulu is done by the studios for all good reasons? The answer is obviously neither or both.
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