LA Cleantech Incubator Gets $5M For New Program
JUNE 1, 2017
The Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator (LACI) has just received $5M to fund a new initiative, called Energize California , to help boost clean technology startups. READ MORE>>.
JUNE 1, 2017
The Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator (LACI) has just received $5M to fund a new initiative, called Energize California , to help boost clean technology startups. READ MORE>>.
Tech Zulu Event
NOVEMBER 16, 2011
Well, perhaps it’s time to consider an incubator/accelerator program: Programs like Silicon Valleys’ Y Combinator which essentially put entrepreneurs through a 3+ month startup boot camp. ” Perhaps it is time to seek some funding, but how do you get advice from the same people that you’ll need money from?
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AUGUST 12, 2014
We select companies from an application process , and they join us for a twelve week program of workshops, mentoring, and business meetings in order to create value in our businesses, and also accelerate process for them. warner bros media camp mediacamp technology startup content hollywood accelerator incubator interview'
FEBRUARY 7, 2012
We have some great mentors now. Thanks to TechStars, we've got an awesome mentor who's co-habitating with us now, and we're learning something daily from him. Thanks to TechStars, we've got an awesome mentor who's co-habitating with us now, and we're learning something daily from him. Alex Benzer: We call it Silverlake HQ.
OCTOBER 27, 2011
K5Launch ( is modeled after the successful Y-Combinator and TechStars acceleration programs, and invests equity, provides mentors, and runs a three month program to get very early stage startups off the ground. All of our mentors are investors as well.
TechCrunch LA
JUNE 17, 2020
The Imagine Impact vetting process involves both experienced readers and a natural language processing system that the talent incubator developed internally. We are looking forward to being a part of this new way stories and talent are discovered and mentored.”.
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